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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Malaikat Muncul Di Masjid Nabawi

Terekam CCTV sosok lelaki dengan tubuh dan wajahnya memancarkan cahaya di Masjid Nabawi

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Yakin dengan kebesaran Allah S.W.T..tak salah kalau kita yakin orang tu bercahaya kerana kita yakin Allah itu berkuasa dan alhamdulillah ada insan yang terpilih positif dan jgn ada rasa dengki atas kelebihan insan lain..saya percaya dan yakin Allah Maha berkuasa atas segalanya.
Malaikat Bercahaya Tertangkap Kamera di Masjid Nabawi,
Selain manusia, masjid juga dikunjungi atau didiami oleh sosok gaib seperti malaikat dan jin muslim. Baru-baru ini di Masjid Nabawi di Madinah terekam dalam bentuk video aktifitas sosok gaib tersebut. Sosok misterius itu bercahaya putih berada di tengah-tengah umat yang sedang serius mendengarkan ceramah Syaikh dr. Abdul Muhsin al-Qasim. Saat
itu bertepatan dengan shalat Jumat 23 Muharram 1433 H.Video ini diunggap ke youtube dan spontan menggemparkan dunia, karena sosok itu tampak jelas terekam dalam video. Berbagai pihak mencoba menganalisis sosok bercahaya itu. Ada yang menyebutkan itu sebagai efek cahaya dari sinar matahari, tapi teori itu terbantahkan karena atap masjid Nabawi terbuat dari marmer.Tak seorang pun menyadari sosok itu berada di tengah-tengah umat. Bahkan pengurus masjid ketika menyaksikan video itu tak bisa mengidentifikasi siapa sosok misterius tersebut. Sebagian besar orang meyakini sosok gaib itu kemungkinan Malaikat yang memang selalu hadir di dalam Masjid Nabawi.
Untuk menyaksikan silakan Klik link Video Youtube ini :
Terekam CCTV sosok lelaki dengan tubuh dan wajahnya memancarkan cahaya di Masjid Nabawi
Wallahu A'lam Bishawab
Luminous Angel caught on camera in the Prophet's mosque,
In addition to humans, the mosque also visited or inhabited by supernatural beings like angels and Jinn. Recently at the Prophet's mosque in Medina was recorded on video the unseen figure of activities. The mysterious figure that radiant white lie in the middle of people who are serious about listening to the lectures of Shaykh Dr. Abd Al-Muhsin al-Qasim. It was timed to coincide with Friday prayers 11 Muharram 1433 H.
Diunggap this Video to youtube and spontaneous tumultuous world, because it seems clear that the figure recorded in the video. The various parties try to analyze the glowing figure. There is mention of it as the effect of light from the Sun, but the indisputable theory because the roof of the mosque were made of marble.
Nobody realized that the figure is in the midst of the people. Even the mosque's caretaker when watching the video it was unable to identify who the mysterious figure. Most people believe that magical figure is likely the Angels indeed are always present in the mosque.
Please click the links to watch the Youtube Video:
CCTV recorded figure of man with his body and his face radiates light in the Prophet's mosque And Bishawab knows best

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